How to get paint out of carpet

The first thing you should do is try to manually remove as much of the paint as possible using a scraper, or a similar tool. Between each scoop, remember to wipe your tool completely before repeating the process. Be mindful that you’re trying to lift the paint out of the carpet, as opposed to spreading it further.

Next, take a paper towel and gently – again, taking care not to spread the paint further – try to blot away as much of the paint as you can.

When this is done, you’ll need to move on to using white spirit in a bid to lift the stain. As gloss is generally oil based, you’ll need to use a solvent in order to remove it effectively. Dampen a clean cloth, or piece of kitchen roll, with the white spirit solution and gently blot the affected area. This should loosen the paint and make it easier to lift away. You’ll likely need a lot of cloth, or kitchen roll, for this as you’ll need to take care not to spread the paint further once it becomes saturated with paint.

Once you’ve removed the paint using white spirit, use a simple soap and water to clean up the carpet. You can also use baking soda to reduce the smell of white spirit.

Post time: Apr-03-2020